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Hacking Orkut Accounts with Phishing Attacks USE AND PROTECTION

Phishing attack is one of the largely used hacking attacks to steal Orkut login informations. Phishing attack is nothing but creating a completely fake Orkut login page and hack user informations. These pages are very much identical with Orkut and a normal user can’t smell any fishy thing in that. Once you provide your login informations there, their PHP script keeps your details and they use those info later to hack your account.

There are several ways of phishing attack. Few of them are :

  • Link Manipulation : Link manipulation is one kind of hacking trick where hackers fool people with identical domain names. By an email or scrap or message, they send you a link. Once you enter your ID and password in those pages, be sure that your profile is gone for ever. That link will be 90% identical with Orkut. Here are few of them.



    while the original Orkut domain is

  • Hidden Links : Few hackers use hidden links to hack Orkut accounts. Hidden links means they manipulate hyperlink texts and take you to an another fake login page. And you can guess what will happen after entering your details in those fake login pages. Here is an example.

    Clicking on Orkut will take you to, while clicking on same Orkut can take you to Hackers coat the words with a fake login page and send you to hack your account.

Suggestion :

  1. To handle hacker’s link manipulation trick, double check the URL if it says ORKUT.COM. Else you know how to close that window.
  2. To handle hidden links hacking trick, roll your mouse on that link and keep your mouse cursor on it till it shows some info. It will pop up the targeted site’s link there. If it says, that’s trustworthy, else forget that.

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