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A type 2 phaser beats four aces. - Worf during bad poker
A type II phaser *IS* The Universal Translator. - Worf
A type II phaser beats 4 aces. - Worf, on a bad poker night
A type II phaser beats four aces.-Worf playing poker
A typical romantic. All you scientists are. The Colonel
A unicorn is nothing more, nothing less, than a horny horse.
A united Germany means even fewer available sunbeds
A united Germany means even less sunbeds
A university does not intellectualize it's neighborhood.
A university faculty is 500 egotists with a common parking problem
A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in
A used car is not always what it's jacked up to be
A used car salesman knows he's lying. A programer doesn't
A useless life is an early death.
A user and his leisure time are soon parted
A user is known by the files he downloads.
A user's phone bill knows no bounds
A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in.
A vacuum
A vacuum cleaner, Heidi Fliess, NAFTA, A Homosexual,
A vacuum cleaner, Heidi Fliess, NAFTA, Bill Clinton, a Homosexual
A vacuum is a hell of a lot better than some of the stuff that nature replaces it with. -- Tennessee Williams
A vacuum is nothing. We only mention it to let it know we know it's there
A vacuum-tube brain in a microchip world.
A valuable study. We may be seeing Earth's distant future. - Spock
A variety of taglines is a Virtue
A vasa cerkica draga, naravno, konzumira mladice
A vasectomy is never having to say you're sorry.
A vegetable diet lies at the basis of all reform.
A vegetarian is one who eats vegetables...BEWARE HUMANITARIANS!
A vending machine could sell tract housing
A vendre: Lit d'eau 14.4vps (14,400 vagues/seconde)!
A verbal agreement will do, until the lawyers get here.
A verbal contract is not worth the paper it is written on
A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's printed on.
A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's printed on.  - Samuel Goldwyn
A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on!
A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on.     Goldwyn's Law of Contracts
A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on.  -  S. Goldwyn
A verbal contract isn't worth the paper its written on
A veritable deluge of woven words and one teeny-weeny drop of reality.
A veritable river of words
A very *small* joke, Ensign.þ Spock
A very fashionable girl, Aunt Rose. Lamont Cranston
A very gentle beast, and of a good conscience.  <Shakespeare>
A very gentle tagline, and of a good conscience. -- Tagspeare
A very impressive title.  - Neelix
A very interesting hypothesis, doctor. - Spock
A very large wastebasket with drawers. þ
A very little one, Ensign.   **Spock
A very lovely thought, but not at all practical.
A very lovely thought, but not at all practical. - Jiminie Cricket
A very lucrative opportunity! - Quark
A very mature decision...get a life!
A very old and very wise man once said ... "HUH?"
A very sad person might drive a Saab.
A very sensible cat: fuzzy logic
A very serious tagline for a very serious message
A very sophisticated, very professional job. - Odo
A very special Ziffle family reunion - Crow
A very special Ziffle family reunion -- Crow T. Robot
A very wise mute once said :
A vibration is a motion that cannot make up its mind which way it wants to go
A vice is a taxable virtue
A victim of a cruel prank, Geordi puts a banana over his eyes.
A victim of a prank, Geordi puts a banana over his Visor
A victim of retroactive birth control.
A victim of your vanity you see just what you want to see.
A vida  uma Soda - Socrates
A vida * uma soda! (F*crates)
A view also shared by this "reactionary right winger."
A village without music is a dead place full of deadheads
A viola's range?  30 feet if kicked hard enough
A violent argument errupts - Tom on nerdy family
A violent man will die a violent death.    -- Lao Tsu
A violet man will die a violet death!
A violin minus the bow.
A virgin girl who is raped must marry her rapist. Deut. 22:28-29
A virgin is a notyeterosexual
A virtual data base is a segment of your imagination
A virtual reality of their own worse nightmare - Mulder  (3x23)
A virtuoso is a musician with real high morals
A virtuous life is its own punishment.
A virus ate my tagline collection! :(
A virus ate my tagline collection! :( && wroBC) !=
A virus is a Daemon with an attitude problem!
A virus is just a FEMMSA quirk.
A virus scan program in OS/2: Found: WINDOWS Delete? Y/n?
A virus that eats Taglines would really make many people mad.
A virus? Some kind of disease? - Janeway
A visit to a fresh place will bring strange work
A visit to a strange place will bring fresh work.
A visitation would have been attributed to a succubus. --Mulder
A visitation... would have been attributed to a succubus - FM (3x21)
A vivid and creative mind characterize you.
A volatile mixture of hot munitions & cool jazz - Crow
A vole fight! I'm appalled! - Quark
A voltage spike? OUCH! That hertz!
A vote for Clinton is a hate crime against America
A vote for Perot WAS a vote for Clinton!
A vote on the tally sheet is worth two in the box.
A vulva is a car from Sweden.
A vulva is an automobile from Sweden. (Y/N) ?
A wagging tail tells no lies
A wagon designed for peak hour traffic is called the Stationary wagon.
A waist is a terrible thing to mind
A waist is a terrible thing to mind -- Weight Watcher??
A waist is a terrible thing to mind! 
A waist is a terrible thing to mind.   -- Ziggy
A waist is a terrible thing to mind...
A waist is a terrible thing to watch!
A waitress is a beer drinker's best friend.
A walk in the Park <*shudder*> ...
A walk in the Park *shudder*
A walk on the WILDSIDE. Tony266@vabeach.relay.ucm.org
A war hammer? ... Why, you use it to drive your sword into infidels.
A war put off is not a war avoided. - Charleton Heston
A war worth waging is one against the poverty of ideas
A war, even the most victorious, is a national misfortune
A warm beer is an angry beer
A warm beer is better than no beer at all
A warm friend is good to find!
A warm smile is testimony of a generous nature.
A warm toast. Nice friends. An excellent wine. May you enjoy all three
A warning to drivers on the A5 to Norwich. It doesn't go there
A warp in time saves..uuumm..years and years!
A warped sense of humor is vastly better than no sense of humor
A warrior does NOT steal taglines.  --Worf
A warrior does not complain of physical discomfort. - Worf
A warrior's best friends: a claymore and a tankard of mead.
A warrior's drink - well that explains a lot!?!
A warrior's drink, eh?  Well, that explains a lot
A warrior's mate does NOT say "jIh'wuQ" (I have a headache)!
A warrior's mate does NOT say 'jIwuQ' TWICE. <g,d,rf>
A warrior's mate does NOT say jiH'wuQ TWICE!
A warriors drink! Ä Worf
A waste is a terrible thing to mind
A waste is a terrible thing to mind - D. Quayle
A waste is a terrible thing to mind.
A waste of skin - Crow on jerky character
A waste of time. - Odo
A wasted day....one on which we have not laughed
A wasted mind is a terrible thing to educate
A wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age
A watched boil never pops
A watched clock never boils
A watched clock never boils. -- Tom Weller
A watched modem never connects
A watched pot never boils, try turning on the heat
A watched pot never disappears.
A watched printer never fails
A watchmaker is someone who doesn't charge extra for working over time.
A wave of enthusiasm is seldom a permanent wave
A way to calm the angry voice. - Alanis Morissette
A weakness is only a weakness if you don't know it exists
A wealthy man can afford anything except a conscience. - FRA #261
A wealthy mind makes good cents.
A weapon in every hand, freedom on every side
A weapon in every hand, freedom on every side -- Eastern Sect Kyfho
A weapon is an enemy even to its owner.    Turkish Proverb
A weapon to kill people, but leave buildings intact?  Must be a mortgage
A weasel comes to say "Happy New Year" to the chickens. - Chinese Proverb
A weasel is a ferret with seniority.
A weasel ripped my dress! - Crow as guy attacks girl
A wedding band is the smallest handcuff in the world.
A wedding is a funeral where a man smells his own flowers.
A wedding is a funeral where you smell your own flowers
A wedding is an one night stand that got out of hand.
A wedding is for a day, Marriage is for a lietime
A wedding ring is like a tourniquet, it cuts off your circulation.
A week is a long time in politics.
A weird fantasy is a great reality
A well adjusted person is my regret list
A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous
A well chosen tagline is a beautiful thing
A well conceived and expressed thought is awesome to behold
A well trained little Nazi can ruin your day.
A well written life is as rare as a well spent one.
A well-crafted origin is a joy forever
A well-crafted recipe is a joy forever.
A well-crafted tagline is a joy forever.
A well-hung lawyer:  no room between his neck and the noose.
A well-known friend is a treasure
A well-read Bible is the sign of a well-fed soul
A well-spent one
A well-timed silence is more eloquent than words
A well-timed silence is oft more eloquent than words could ever be.
A well-trained little Nazi can ruin your whole day
A well-traveled individual might drive a Continental.
A well-written Life is almost as rare as well-spent one. -- Thomas Carlyle
A well-written life is as rare as a well-spent one.
A well-written life is not freeware!
A wet pussy is a terrible thing to waste.
A weyr is where a dragon is
A whale dropped at 50,000 feet will make a large splat
A whale in shallow water amuses the shrimp.  Old Chinese Proverb
A what? To order a what? With what? - A.G. Bell (Animaniacs)
A wheel slices into the crowd killing three - Mike
A wheelbarrow!  Why didn't you list that as one of our assests?
A while ago this whole planet was trying to kill us. -  Kirk
A whimper a day keeps the gods away.
A whip's blow raises welts, a blow of the tongue crushes bones.
A whip, some chains and thou
A whip?...Maybe she wants to be friends again! - Frank on Margaret
A whippersnapper has nothing to do with sex?  Drat!
A white lie is an aversion of the truth.
A white lie soon gets tanned from exposure.
A white male, middle class power holder - Gypsy
A white sport coat and a pink crustacean
A whole 45 feet of car, there - Tom
A whole boiled egg! Two years of night school finally paid off.
A whole cheese cake has a very short life span!
A whole life longnow lay scattered on the winds
A whole lot of ends! - Crow on girls' butts & THE END
A whole new day of rock climbing! -- Crow T. Robot
A whole roomful of bubble headed little guys - Crow
A whole skin is worth a thousand victories.
A whole skin is worth a thousand victories. - Brassclaw Orcs
A whole stack of memories will never equal one little hope.
A whole wodge a Tribble deleted for brevity
A wholesome mind is a wasted potential
A whore is a whore for the same reason some of us aren't.
A wicked book cannot repent.
A wiener running away from a kettle -Tom as guy runs
A wiener running away from a kettle-- Tom Servo
A wife is NOT a handicap!    Park elsewhere!
A wife is a luxury...a smart accountant a necessity. - FRA #255
A wife is a woman who dresses to kill and cooks the same way.
A wife is an attachment ya screw on the bed to get the ho
A wife is living proof that a man can take a joke
A wife is proof that a husband CAN take a joke
A wife lasts as long as a marriage, An ex-wife last's forever
A wife lasts as long as a marriage, a redhead is forever
A wife lasts as long as a marriage, an ex-wife for ever.
A wife lasts only for the length of the marriage, but an ex-wife is there *for the rest of your life*.  -- Jim Samuels
A wig feels so good when it comes off!--aspiring thespian
A wild duck never laid a tame egg....Irish proverb
A wild party?  -Data
A will is a dead giveaway.
A wind-up clock without a key.
A window is a window is a window -- Trudy Gates
A windy April is death to little pigs.
A wink is as good as a nod... To a blind man.  - Monty Python
A winner makes commitments; a loser makes promises.
A winner never quits. A quitter never wins
A winner says "Let's find out."; a loser says "Nobody knows."
A winner says, "It may be difficult, but it's possible." A loser says, "It may be possible, but it's too difficult."
A winner sees an answer in every problem. A loser just sees the problem
A winner shows some of his character, a loser, all of it.
A winner: Don't judge a book by its movie.
A wino asked me for change I gave him my shirt. -S.W.
A wino asked me for change...  I gave him my shirt
A wino asked me for change... I gave him my shirt. Ä Steven Wright

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