Breaking News


Account is past due.  Tagline function suspended
Accountability is Un-American!!                  - Opus
Accountability is Un-American!! - Opus
Accountability?  From a Conservative??? AAAAhhahahahahahaha
Accountability? From a Liberal? AAAAhhahahahahahah!!
Accountant to Fisherman: "So what's your net worth?"
Accountant:  A person who feels good when things start looking black.
Accountant: A person who uses your books to figure his profit.
Accountants DO IT to the bottom line.
Accountants and Lawyers:  you can't Balance the Books on the Scales of Justice!
Accountants are bean counters.
Accountants are good with figures.
Accountants do it between spreadsheets!
Accountants do it calculatingly.
Accountants do it for profit.
Accountants do it with double entry.
Accountants do it with interest
Accountants work their assets off.
Accountants' minds are always in NumLock!
Accountants:    Miss a penny and the shit happens...
Accounting:  The joy of Tax
Accounting:  a-one, a-two, a-three, a-four
Accumulate mannequins now; spare parts will be in short supply on D-Day
Accupuncturists DO IT with a small prick
Accuracy is in the eye of the beholder
Accuracy, n.: The vice of being right
Accurate stereotype
Accurate?! That was a joke I just told you. * Okona
Accursed are the censors, for they shall inhibit the people.
Ace & No Face are calling - Crow on Mads
Ace Abortion Clinic..No fetus can beat us!
Ace Abortion Clinic..You ((())) 'em, we scrape 'em!
Ace Abortion Clinic..You rape 'em, we scrape 'em!
Ace Frehley has the same kind of business - Crow
Ace Rimmer.  Space Corps. * Ace Rimmer
Ace Ventura: 3-51, 3-51, Rover! Sit! Hut -Hut!
Ace Ventura: Afraid I'll make a stink?
Ace Ventura: And a clean pair of shorts
Ace Ventura: Ba-bye then. - Ace Ventura,
Ace Ventura: Big, old Mr. Kanish!
Ace Ventura: Brrrrrrt! Halftime!
Ace Ventura: Can't ya' hit me!!
Ace Ventura: Einhorn is a man! Oh my GOD!
Ace Ventura: Excuse me gentlemen, pet detective
Ace Ventura: Fiction can be fun!
Ace Ventura: Finkle IS Einhorn!!!!!!
Ace Ventura: Finkle took it personally
Ace Ventura: Finkle, Einhorn - Einhorn, Finkle
Ace Ventura: Gee, let me think...sure!
Ace Ventura: Go Ahead, snoop around
Ace Ventura: Grrrrrravy! - Ace Ventura,
Ace Ventura: Guess what boys? It's naptime
Ace Ventura: HDS, got a package people!
Ace Ventura: He found captain winky!
Ace Ventura: HeeLouser! -Ace Ventura,
Ace Ventura: Hi, Captain Stuebin
Ace Ventura: Hm, unconscious, exactly as I planned
Ace Ventura: Holy testicle Tuesday!!!
Ace Ventura: Hungry fella? There you go
Ace Ventura: I bet it was something nice
Ace Ventura: I have excorcised the demons
Ace Ventura: I think it's the pate
Ace Ventura: I'd like to ass you a few questions
Ace Ventura: I'm on a very big case right now
Ace Ventura: I'm open, I'm open!
Ace Ventura: I've got to mister!
Ace Ventura: Is it #1 or #2?
Ace Ventura: Isotoners!
Ace Ventura: It's a high performance machine
Ace Ventura: It's allllive, allllive!
Ace Ventura: It's not snowflake!
Ace Ventura: Kiss and make up!
Ace Ventura: LLLike a glove
Ace Ventura: La-who, Sa-her!
Ace Ventura: Like a Glove!
Ace Ventura: Losers! Losers! L -Whosers!
Ace Ventura: Lou-WHO-ser!
Ace Ventura: Lovely party, pity I wasn't invited
Ace Ventura: Man, I'm tired of being right
Ace Ventura: Obsess much? - Ace Ventura,
Ace Ventura: Ok, I'm ready again
Ace Ventura: Perhaps some Binacca?
Ace Ventura: Poor guy with a motive, Baby
Ace Ventura: Saddlebags! - Ace Ventura,
Ace Ventura: She's a man
Ace Ventura: So, animals can sense evil
Ace Ventura: That's the worst case of Hemorrhoids I have ever seen!
Ace Ventura: This is my Graceland, Sir
Ace Ventura: We're going downtown
Ace Ventura: Well, I have kissed a man
Ace Ventura: What are you up to, Mandinga?
Ace Ventura: What do you feed your dog?
Ace Ventura: What's your number? Is it still 911? Alllrighty then
Ace Ventura: Whhpish, down boy!
Ace Ventura: Why? So you can beat him? Fatty!
Ace Ventura: Wow, Ray Finkle's House!
Ace Ventura: Yeah? And you're ugly!
Ace Ventura: Yes Satan
Ace Ventura: You have to commit me
Ace Ventura: You smell terrific!
Ace Ventura: Your gun is digging into my hip
Ace and No Face are calling -- Crow T. Robot
Ace brill wicked fab
Ace of Base:  I SWEAR I didn't see the sign, officer!
Ace of spades
Ace, give me a can of that nitro-nine you're NOT carrying. --7th Dr.
Ace, give me some of that Nitro-9 you're not carrying
Ace, give me some of that Nitro-9 you're not carrying! - The Doctor
Ace, give me some of that Nitro-9 you're not carrying.
Ace, give me some of that Nitro-Nine you're not carrying.-The Doctor
AceDOS 7.0 : (C)arry big Radio (L)auch ATR at Dalek (N)ito-9
Acetone = What you do in exercise class
Acetone: The result of an exercise class
Acetone: What you get when you pick up the telephone.
Ach naw laddie, ye donna catch the lass, she catches yu!!
Ach! Sss--no! NO! Silly hobbits, foolish, yes foolish!
Ach, an Irishman on the bagpipes? 'Tis almost a sacrilege!
Ach, der elektromagnetische katzenklappe ist kaput!
Ach, laddie, why would you be wantin' IRISH tags, anyway?
Ach, me Taglines! They canna take n'more, Capt'n! -Scotty
Ach, me recipe base! It canna take n'more, Capt'n! -Scotty
Ach, me taglines!  They canna take namore, Captain
Ach, me taglines! They canna take n'more, Capt'n! -Scotty
Ach, nein - not ANOTHER aircraft destroyed! - Nightcrawler
Ach, twas a wee monster in the lach.
Ach,der elektromagnetische katzenklappe ist kaput!
Achamoth        - Mother Goddess, birthgiver to the Creator
Aches And Pains  - By Arthur Itis
Achh, me poor taglines; they kenna take enna more, Captain!
Achh, me recipe base! It canna take namore, Capt'n!
Achh, me taglines!  They canna take namore, Captain.
Achieve Blender Consciousness:  visualize whirled peas
Achieve a lower consciousness. -Calvin
Achieved through a summon the spirits. --Mulder
Achievement Choosy cats choose Logitech Mice 10:1 Over Microsoft!
Achievement, n. The death of endeavor and the birth of di
Achieving a gaseous state isn't all that difficult either - BlackFang
Achieving begins with believing.
Achilles jerk - a nerd friend of Achilles
Achilles?...It's the Illiad?...It's Homer?... READ A BOOK!" - Handy
Achstung: Beware of bees.
Achtung Baby!
Achtzig Prozent aller Fahrer halten sich f}r }berdurchschnittlich
Acid (Unstable Mutation)
Acid - better living through chemistry.
Acid Rain - Not as groovey as it sounds.
Acid absorbs 10 times its weight in excess reality
Acid bath? You're soaking in it
Acid blobs should be attacked bare-handed.
Acid consumes 47 times it's weight in excess reality
Acid consumes 47 times its weight in life!
Acid rain dissolves styrofoam.
Acid rain:  sulfuric acid, nitric acid and congressional apathy
Acid test?  You're soaking in it
Acids stain you;
Ack!  Phfft!  Thptpth!
Ack!  Phfft!  Thptpth!  -Bill T. Cat
Ack!  The Gospel According To Fundamentally Oral Bill.
Ack!  There's too much blood in my caffeine stream!
Ack! A Moderator! Run away! Run away! (G)
Ack! Do you go out of your way to put up Tags like that?
Ack! I come back from holiday and someone stole my chair, my phone cord, my general manager, my technical manager _and_ Emma! -- me
Ack! I didn't realize I was so taglinable!
Ack! It's the infamous `Broccoli of Death'
Ack! My soap has real lemon & my lemonade is artificial
Ack! Phfft! Thptpth! -- Bill the Cat
Ack! Pthptt! - Bill D. Cat
Ack! The Gospel According To Fundamentally Oral Bill.
Ack!! Schools back in!!!! NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Ack, they could teach us a thing or two. - Scott
Ackbar of Borg:  We can't repel Assimilation of that magn
Acknowledged. -Picard
Acknowledged. Beam engaged. - Torres
Acme Corporation -- Industrial Strength Tagline
Acme Humorous Taglines. 5 per package
Acme Tagcrafters: taglines repaired in about an hour
Acme Tagline Co
Acme Tagline Company. Licensed tagline vendors.
Acme replies.
Acolyte Biggles!  Make her put on.../The/ /Leather/ /Jumpsuit/!
Aconta: You are a sacred person here, Wesley
Acorns rule oak, Ey?
Acorns were good until bread was found.     Francis Bacon
Acoustic - What you play pool with.
Acoustic coupler... is that two guitarists screwing?
Acoustic:  Instrument used in billiards.
Acoustic:  What you shoot pool with.
Acoustic: Instrument used in billiards.
Acoustic: Used to play pool.  Denial: A river in Egypt
Acoustic: Used to play pool.  Denial: A river in Egypt.  Buccaneer: The price of corn
Acoustic: What you shoot pool with.
Acoustic: What you shoot the pool balls with
Acoustic: an item required to play snooker or billiards
Acoustic: what you use when you shoot pool.
Acquaint Now Thyself With Him, And Be At Peace: Thereby Good Shall Come To Thee !!
Acquaintance, n.: A person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to
Acquaintance, n.: A person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to. - Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
Acquaintance: A person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to. - Ambrose Bierce
Acquisition of knowledge from experience is an exception
Acquittal of the guilty damns the judge. - Horace
Acredito em Papai Noel, Coelhinho da P scoa, Windows 95
Acrobat: Someone who will always do you a good turn.
Acronym- Delta - Don't Expect Loved-one To Arrive.
Acronym:  Waco - What A Cook-Out !!!!!!!!
Acronym:  Waco;  We Ain't Comein' Out
Acronym: MACINTOSH - Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs
Acronym: TLX - Terrific Little Xpress-o-meter
Acronyms are useful, initially
Acronyms: Tools for the profusion of confusion
Acrophober get down
Acrophobia Explained - by Alfredo Heights
Across a staid lion for immortal porpoises.
Across miles from our house to yours "Happy Holidays"!!
Across the clouds I see my shadow fly out of the corner of my watering e
Across the miles from our house to yours, "Happy Holidays"!!
Across the mud huts where the childeren sleep
Act Justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God
Act casual and say NOTHING!
Act first, ask questions later. - Siren
Act immature at least three times a day.
Act in haste and repent at leisure.Code too soon and debug forever
Act in haste, repent at leisure.
Act in haste........and you'll ask for the Prophets forgiveness later.
Act like a King and we will treat you like one
Act like a lady until married. THEN, let him have it!
Act like a tennis shoe and "Just Do It!"-Doodoo
Act my age?  I've never BEEN my age before! I have no experience.
Act my age?? I've never BEEN my age before!!
Act naturally
Act non-action; undertake no undertaking; taste the tasteless.  -LAO TZU
Act now and get a FREE Cheese Grater!
Act now and get a free gift with that recipe!
Act now and you too can be a meanie!
Act now we must, for we have no more time for words. -- Amara
Act of acting morally is behaving as if everything we do matters--Gloria Steinem
Act well your part, for there all the honour lies. (Thespis)
Act with honor, but retain humility. <Lao Tzu>
Act with honour, but retain humility. "Tao Te Ching"
Act your way into good thinking
ActaeOn - The Hard Disk Manager, Fantastic!
Acting Chief Petty Warrant Transporter Ensign Officer jg
Acting Crusher Ensign... <hic>... I mean
Acting Station Chief Petty Warrant Transporter Officer JG O'Brien.
Acting funny, but I don't know why - Hendrix
Acting is an art which consists of keeping the audience from coughing.
Acting is standing up naked and turing around very slowly. - Rosalind Russell
Acting is the art of keeping the audience from coughing.
Acting on a good idea is better than just having one.
Acting on assumptions is acting in ignorance & stupidity
Acting without thinking is like shooting without aiming.
Acting's easy when you can read your lines!
Acting: An art that consists of keeping the audience from coughing
Acting: not much ado about anything
Acting? What acting?
Action Foliage! - Crow
Action Jesus - Manger Sold Separately
Action Jesus!  Manger sold seperately. -Crow
Action Jesus!  Manger sold seperately... -- Crow T. Robot
Action Jesus, Manger Sold Seperately - Crow
Action Ken Doll is there! - Mike
Action Ken Doll is there! -- Mike Nelson
Action News at 10 on Action-TV27 (WRDQ-Orlando, FL)
Action is coarsened thought; thought becomes concrete, obscure, & unconscious
Action is coarsened thought; thought becomes concrete, obscure, & unconscious
Action is eloquence. - William Shakespeare
Action is eloquence. -Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Action is the product of the Qualities inherent in Nature. -Bhagavad Gita
Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action
Action sequence narrowly aborted! -- Tom Servo
Action sequences filmed in Confus-o-Vision! - Joel
Action should accumulate in wisdom
Action should accumulate in wisdom. "Bhagavad Gita"
Action stations! By Meeco. Figures sold seperately - Joel
Action to be effective must be directed to clearly conceived ends.
Action's what the Flash-man needs - Flash
Actions DO speak louder than words.
Actions are neither as good nor as evil as impulses.
Actions are usually right, but the reasons seldom are.
Actions from sanity are not necessarily from feeling.
Actions speak louder than coaches.
Actions speak louder than purrs.  Garfield
Actions speak louder than words
Actions speak louder than words & Bajorans don't bother with smalltalk
Actions speak louder than words - but not so often.
Actions speak louder than words.
Actions speak louder than words. - Proverb
Activate Holodeck Program Paris 3. Paris
Activate cluster bombs on my mark --Scott
Activate it and direct the beam here. -- Doctor
Activate our cloak...quickly! - Romulan Commander
Activate the time machine.  -- Captain Galaxy
Activate the window and watch the world go `round- Rush
Activating evasive maneuver omega. - Chakotay
Activating pattern enhancers.  Energizing. - Data
Active socially: Drinks heavily -work evaluationese
Activism: The first sign of a failing acting career.
Activists're more opposed to fur than leather - it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gang
Activity back of a very small idea will produce more than inactivity and the planning of genius.    James A. Worsham
Activity is the politician's substitute for achievement.
Activity may lead to evil, but inactivity cannot lead to good.
Acton's Law: Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Actor's statements at cons:  "Trust, but verify."
Actor-director Billy Bob Thornton on 60 MINUTES II:  "I was the fattest baby in Clark County, Ark. They put me in the newspaper.  It was like a prized turnip."
Actor:  Someone who tries to be everything but himself.
Actor:  Someone who tries to be everything but himself.
Actors DO IT in front of an audience
Actors DO IT on cue
Actors DO IT with emotion
Actors aren't quite human, but then again, who is?
Actors do it in front of an audience.
Actors do it in the lime light.
Actors do it on camera.
Actors do it on cue.
Actors do it on stage.
Actors do it with a script.
Actors do it with emotion.
Actors don't pretend to be other people; they become themselves by finding other people inside them. - David Malouf
Actors must make us think they're real--Jim Morrison
Actors never retire. They're just offered fewer parts. -David Niven
Actors play around.
Actors pretend doing it.
Actors will happen even in the best-regulated families.
Actors! Please stay in the reflector light! - Tom
Actors! We're rolling! - Crow on boring scene
Actors, Lawyers, Hot Dog Vendors. --Tom on post-apocalypse.
Actresses will happen in the best regulated families. -- Addison Mizner and Oliver Herford, "The Entirely
Acts required by law to be done, admit of no qualification
Actual Headline:  Jail May Have to Close Doors
Actual Headline:  Snake Bites Lawyer And Dies
Actual Headlines: Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures
Actual Headlines: Deer Kill 17,000
Actual Headlines: Eye Drops off Shelf
Actual Headlines: Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
Actual Headlines: Miners Refuse to Work After Death
Actual Headlines: Squad Helps Dog Bite Victim
Actual Headlines: Two Soviet Ships Collide, One Dies
Actual Headlines: War Dims Hope for Peace
Actual SC Road Sign:  <---Clinton    Prosperity--->
Actual TorStar headline, 3/6/94: "Man charged with murder after death"
Actual business:  A Hole in the Wall - a doughnut shop.
Actual business:  Just the Fax - a telephone and fax machine shop.
Actual headline:  Guard tells graduates that life in jail is demeaning
Actual investment club name:  Stocks and Blondes
Actual milage may vary
Actual name and occupation:  Dr. Blessing Ä Doctor (ObÄgyn)
Actual name and occupation:  Rev. Lord, minister.
Actual name and occupation:  Warren Burns Ä Fire Inspector
Actual name of a boat:  Habeas Porpoise    [owned by two lawyers]
Actual news headline... KIDS MAKE NUTRITIOUS SNACKS
Actual news headline... STOLEN PAINTING FOUND BY TREE
Actual news headline... WAR DIMS HOPE FOR PEACE
Actual newspaper headline, 1/17/77: "Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures"
Actual newspaper headline, 8/14/80: "Food Basic to Student Diet"
Actual newspaper headline: Deafmute complains 911 didn't answer
Actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and pure
Actual spelling is C'thulhu.  Beware! I will not be denied!
Actual war is a very messy business.
Actual war is a very messy business.  Very, very messy business. -- Kirk, "A Taste of Armageddon"
Actual war is a very messy business. - Kirk
Actual warning on a product label: "CAUTION: REMOVE INFANT BEFORE FOLDING FOR STORAGE"  -  On a portable stroller
Actual warning on a product label: "DO NOT DRIVE ON THE OCEAN"  -  In a car commercial
Actual warning on a product label: "DO NOT IRON CLOTHES ON BODY"  -  On packaging for a Rowenta iron
Actual warning on a product label: "DO NOT LIGHT IN FACE.  DO NOT EXPOSE TO FLAME"  -  On a lighter
Actual warning on a product label: "DO NOT PUT IN MOUTH"  -  On a box of bottle rockets
Actual warning on a product label: "DO NOT PUT LIT CANDLES ON PHONE"  -  On the instructions for a cordless phone
Actual warning on a product label: "DO NOT RECHARGE, PUT IN BACKWARDS, OR USE"  -  On a battery
Actual warning on a product label: "DO NOT TURN UPSIDE DOWN"  -  On the bottom of a supermarket dessert box
Actual warning on a product label: "DO NOT USE ORALLY"  -  On a toilet bowl cleaning brush
Actual warning on a product label: "FOR INDOOR OR OUTDORR USE ONLY"  -  On a string of Christmas lights
Actual warning on a product label: "MAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED"  -  On a shipment of hammers
Actual warning on a product label: "NOT DISHWASHER SAFE"  -  On a remote control for a TV
Actual warning on a product label: "NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUPTION"  -  On a package of dice
Actual warning on a product label: "PRODUCT WILL BE HOT AFTER HEATING"  -  On a supermarket dessert box
Actual warning on a product label: "REMOVE PLASTIC BEFORE EATING"  -  On the wrapper of a Fruit Roll-Up snack
Actual warning on a product label: "WARNING - THIS PRODUCT CAN BURN EYES"   -  On a curling iron
Actual warning on a product label: "WARNING: MAY CONTAIN NUTS"  -  On a package of peanuts
Actually I like running around in my bare feet. - Picard
Actually I made it up...but it sounds good!
Actually I'm making great time
Actually I'm making great time-Mike on out-of-control car
Actually I'm making great time... -- Mike Nelson
Actually I've become fairly good at extemporaneous taglining
Actually a commercial for Light Days Panty Liners - Crow
Actually his hair is better than Freddy's because he dumped me! - Lita
Actually if ya think about it, you really don't need a whole lot of manners if
Actually it is an interplanetary greeting.
Actually it's not replying that takes time, it's choosing a
Actually it's printed on
Actually officer, factoring in the earth's rotation, we were all speeding.
Actually officer, if you factor in the earth's rotation, we were all
Actually this is only part of a terran mating ritual
Actually what I was looking for was some witty repartee Q
Actually willing to make love to the Doughy Guys - Mike
Actually, *I* blew up my shop. - Garak
Actually, Archimedes was completely unprincipled
Actually, Cats are excellent at domesticating people
Actually, Disco IS music (though not very listenable)
Actually, Ford dominated the NASCAR circuit in 1997.  :)
Actually, I *AM* GOD, it just suits me to act this stupid
Actually, I AM a rocket scientist and it doesn't help
Actually, I am a lab mouse on stilts.
Actually, I am a lab mouse, posting to USENET as
Actually, I came here to rescue you. - Sisko
Actually, I could probably fine-tune the HoloDoc as well
Actually, I could probably fine-tune the HoloDoc as well... <g>
Actually, I don't even think he asked her......
Actually, I feel quite humiliated. - Bashir
Actually, I have a dried maple leaf in a book of mine. - Anna Steven
Actually, I just got those from a book I read last week Sue Me
Actually, I left a few minutes ago, but I expect I'll be back shortly.
Actually, I might have to disagree with you here. - Anna Steven
Actually, I really like programming for Windows. IN A PIG'S EYE!
Actually, I really like running around the ship in my bare feet.
Actually, I was hoping something else would take you
Actually, I'm an overnight success. But it took twenty years. - Monty Hall
Actually, I'm from Iowa, I only work in outer space. J. Kirk
Actually, I'm losing an officer. - Kirk
Actually, I'm only 10 years old -- Celsius!
Actually, I'm way ahead of you, Scully--Mulder (Syzygy)
Actually, I've been a little worried about this User Tagging. - Jal
Actually, Kats are excellent at domesticating people
Actually, Kilroy beat Columbus to the Americas.
Actually, Microsoft is sort of a mixture between the Borg and the Ferengi
Actually, cats are QUITE good at domesticating people.
Actually, cats are excellent at domesticating people.
Actually, cats are quite good at domesticating humans.
Actually, if I lived in Hawaii, I'd be lucky to afford water!
Actually, if you consider the whole BODY of evidence, it's anatomical
Actually, it wasn't really necessary. - Geordi
Actually, it's she, but yes, she usually guides me well. - Chakotay
Actually, it's very NICE junk. -Roy Fokker
Actually, most Americans get their news from liner notes.
Actually, my goal is to have a sandwich named after me
Actually, my usual form of transportaion is a Warb
Actually, my wife won't let me cook.... too many fires.
Actually, no, I won't respect you in the morning!
Actually, thank you for responding to it seriously.
Actually, that IS a gun in my pocket
Actually, that is a banana in my pocket
Actually, that was a nice reveal - Mike on guy's chest
Actually, that was more--<covering mouth with both hands>  - Anna S
Actually, the Aliens' acid blood was Navy coffee
Actually, the Aliens' acid blood was cafeteria coffee
Actually, the Windows 3.1 source code fits in one APL line.
Actually, the only computer I own is an E6B, this one's the bank's!
Actually, the word "Earther" itself is unfortunate, I prefer Terran.
Actually, there IS a banana in my pocket.
Actually, there's not much left to explain - Calvin
Actually, this all sounds like STACKS of trouble to me
Actually, this is the message, the tagline's above
Actually, we *DO* have an Oligopoly on this echo.
Actually, we're not hiring slaves right now
Actually, what I want is a little toy spaceship!!
Actually, what I'd like is a little toy spaceship!!
Actually, white people invented rap music SQUARE DANCE
Actually, ya know, it *is* my 'damn business'. --Mulder
Actually... I'm so confused now *I* don't know what to believe...:)
Actually... It's not that bold. -- Dr. Forrester
Actually...I'd rather maim than amputate.   - Janier
Actually...It's not that bold - Dr. Forrester
ActuallyI'm so confused now *I* don't know what to believe...:)
Actuaries DO IT in numbers.
Actuaries DO IT with little risk.
Actuaries do it with frequency and severity.
Actuaries do it with models.
Actuaries do it with varying rates of interest.
Actuary: has the skills of an accountant, but lacks the charisma.
Acupuncture is a jab well done.

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