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A UFO was observed in Vancouver: The sun.
A UFO... What's that???
A UFO... What's that??? Join MufoNet and you'll know!
A UN acting against Bosnia can act also against the US.
A USRHST-world's most powerful modem-feeling lucky
A University without students is like an ointment without a fly.
A University without students is like an ointment without a fly.  -- Ed Nather, professor of astronomy at UT Austin
A VAX is virtually a computer, but not quite.
A VERY small joke, Ensign -- Spock
A VERY small joke, ensign @TOLAST@. -- Spock
A VERY small joke, ensign... - Spock
A VGA card and a Herc monitor.
A Virgin Islander: an 11-year old Hawaiian girl?
A Virgin is a female who hasn't yet met her maker.
A Virgin is a girl who won't take in what a guy is taking out.
A Virgin is an old woman who's always been afraid of flies.
A Virgin is an unlusted number
A Virgin is one who whispers sweet nothing-doings in your ear.
A Virus in my computer? Don't /&(&=(=)=be %$%&ridiculous%
A Virus is a sort of Creature.  Right ?
A Virus?  Never!
A Vision for the Future.
A Visit To The Dentist - By Phil Mcavity
A Vollkswagen driven by a blond is called? Farfromthinken
A Vulcan can no sooner be disloyal than he can exist without breathing
A Vulcan can no sooner be disloyal than he can exist without breathing. -- Kirk, "The Menagerie"
A Vulcan never lived who had an ounce of itegrity! - Kirk
A Vulcan security officer?  Kinda like a Klingon counselor
A Vulcan stole my homework! * Nog
A Vulture Sweeps Down And Grabs Your Gold
A WAD by any other name would probably crash DOOM
A WAY COMPUTERS CHANGED THE WORLD:  1 million banking errors
A WAY COMPUTERS CHANGED THE WORLD:  Catchphrase with Roy Walker
A WAY COMPUTERS CHANGED THE WORLD:  Fly-by-wire air crashes
A WAY COMPUTERS CHANGED THE WORLD:  Hole in the wall money machines
A WAY COMPUTERS CHANGED THE WORLD:  Man landing on the moon
A WAY COMPUTERS CHANGED THE WORLD:  The stock Exchange`s Black Monday
A WAY COMPUTERS CHANGED THE WORLD:  birth of the computer virus expert
A WEDDING? - Elaine    There's a lot of people to mock...- Jerry
A WHISPER - The fastest method of circulating a secret yet devised!
A WISE husband puts his foot down only to shift position
A Waffle Iron, Model 1.65b
A Wal Mart got built since we jumped - Mike as skydiver
A Warning, not a slogan!!
A Warrior does NOT snag recipes - Worf
A Warrior does NOT steal taglines - Worf
A Warriors Drink -- Well that Explains a lot.
A Watched Pot May Never Boil, But the Cook Certainly Does
A Weasel is a ferret with seniority.
A Wheel in Time saves nine
A Whitesox pennant - Tom as guy reads Mongol scroll
A Whole Lot of Cats  - By Kitt N. Caboodle
A Whole skin is worth a thousand victories.
A Wife is a woman who: plays bridge, tennis, golf, and dumb.
A Windows user spends 1/3 his life sleeping, 1/3 working, 1/3 waiting.
A Windows utility is a virus with seniority
A Wise Man Which Built His House Upon A Rock !!
A Wise man once said, "My name is Wise."
A Witch prefers a broom because nature abhors a vacuum
A Wok is what you thwo at a wabbit.
A Wok something you throw at a Wabbit
A Woman Boxer:  Floats Like A Butterfly And Stings Like, Well, A Butterfly.
A Woman Scorned Gathers No Moss.
A Woman a day keeps the Wife away
A Woman a day keeps the Wife away
A Woman a day keeps the Wife away
A Woman is a two edged sword ... driven through your skull
A Woman is always more beautiful with a Cock in her mouth
A Woman is incomplete until she is married, then she is really finished
A Woman is the only animal that blushes ... or needs to.
A Woman who cooks beans and peas in same pot very unsanitary.
A Woman's life is dyed the color of her imagination.
A Woman's place is in the House, Senate and Oval Office.
A Word for Windows is inefficient.
A World Wide Web could catch some MAJOR bugs. Could use one for my PC
A Xanth fan, and proud of it!
A Yagi antenna is like a Yogi antenna without a Booboo
A ZIP file is like sex; It can be used over and over.
A ZPOINTless Tagline
A Zero (Firestorm Pheonix)
A Zmodem is a happy modem!
A Zucchini is a cucumber that made the BIG time.
A Zucchini is a cucumber with an ATTITUDE.
A ^Merry^ Messy Kweznuz
A _De Lorean_???  Michael J. Fox
A `[1;36mc `[33mo `[35ml `[32mo `[31mu `[34mr `[0m tag
A `pacifist male' is a contradiction in terms. - Lazarus Long
A `pacifist male' is a contradiction in terms. -- Heinlein
A `snoot full'? - Data
A a duplicate duplicate tagline tagline is is two two byl
A ad for a local beauty parlor reads: TEN YEARS OFF FOR CASH
A am Bill D. Catt of Borg.  You will be Ack!Thbbpt!imilated!!!
A and P, God's gift to Pilots
A b c da li'l fishies?  a a a a
A babe is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs decrease
A baby boomer is an infant with gas
A baby by any other name is still a baby
A baby costs almost six grand in its first year of life.
A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.
A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.  - Carl Sandburg
A baby is a person who must have bottle or bust.
A baby is an alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no
A baby is an alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the other
A baby is lots more fun than differential equations.
A baby is the most complicated object made by unskilled labor
A baby on the table! That's good luck! Snake-eyes.
A baby over the shoulder often requires a washcloth!
A baby stroller is last year's fun on wheels.
A baby's willpower is simply no match against it's wail-power.
A bachelor can only chase a girl until she catches him.
A bachelor enjoys the chase but doesn't eat the game.
A bachelor enjoys the neck
A bachelor is a guy who can get into bed from either side
A bachelor is a guy who is footloose and fiancee free.
A bachelor is a hunter that never Mrs.
A bachelor is a man dedicated to life, liberty, and the happiness of pursuit. (Anon.)
A bachelor is a man who hasn't made the same mistake once
A bachelor is a man who is free to choose, and chooses to be free.
A bachelor is a man who never made the same mistake once
A bachelor is a man whom women are still sampling
A bachelor is a selfish, undeserving guy who has cheated
A bachelor is a selfish, undeserving guy who has cheated some woman out of a divorce.  -- Don Quinn
A bachelor is a selfish, undeserving guy who has cheated.
A bachelor is an unaltared male
A bachelor is one never Mrs. Anything.
A bachelor is one never chases a woman he couldn't outrun.
A bachelor is one never knows from whom the next kiss is coming.
A bachelor is one never knows from whom the next kiss is coming.
A bachelor is one never makes the same mistake once.
A bachelor is one never makes the same mistake once.
A bachelor is one never met a girl he couldn't live without.
A bachelor is one never met a girl he couldn't live without.
A bachelor is one never says, "I'll Give You A Ring Tomorrow!"
A bachelor is one never says, "I'll Give You A Ring Tomorrow!"
A bachelor is one never says, "I'll Give You A Ring Tomorrow!"
A bachelor is one plays the game of love and manages to retain his amateur outstanding.
A bachelor is one plays the game of love and manages to retain his amateur outstanding.
A bachelor is one prefers ripe tomatoes with little dressing.
A bachelor is one prefers ripe tomatoes with little dressing.
A bachelor is one thinks he is a thing of Beauty and a Boy forever.
A bachelor is one thinks he is a thing of Beauty and a Boy forever.
A bachelor is one travels fastest in a parked car.
A bachelor is one travels fastest in a parked car.
A bachelor is one tries to avoid the issue.
A bachelor is one tries to avoid the issue.
A bachelor is one usually has his hands full trying to loosen a woman's grip.
A bachelor is one usually has his hands full trying to loosen a woman's grip.
A bachelor is one wakes up in the morning with all of the blankets.
A bachelor is one wakes up in the morning with all of the blankets.
A bachelor is one washes only one set of dishes.
A bachelor is one washes only one set of dishes.
A bachelor is one when a girl asks him for a Diamond Ring, he turns Stone-Deaf.
A bachelor is one when a girl asks him for a Diamond Ring, he turns Stone-Deaf.
A bachelor is one when he opens the window in his apartment, more dust blows out than in.
A bachelor is one when he opens the window in his apartment, more dust blows out than in.
A bachelor is one who is footloose and fiance free.
A bachelor is one who is footloose and fiance free.
A bachelor is one who leans toward a woman but not far enough to fall.
A bachelor is one who likes his Girl Friend just the way she is...Single!!!!
A bachelor is one who likes his Girl Friend just the way she is...Single!!!!
A bachelor is one who looks, but does not leap.
A bachelor is one who looks, but does not leap.
A bachelor is one would rather change girlfriends than change girls' names.
A bachelor is one would rather change girlfriends than change girls' names.
A bachelor is one would rather cook his own goose.
A bachelor is one would rather cook his own goose.
A bachelor is one would rather have a woman on his mind than on his neck.
A bachelor is one would rather have a woman on his mind than on his neck.
A bachelor is one would rather mend his socks than his ways.
A bachelor is one would rather mend his socks than his ways.
A bachelor is someone who can keep his foot out of a trap--particularly his own
A bachelor is someone who can keep his foot out of a trap--particularly his own
A bachelor is someone who is footloose and fianc‚e free
A bachelor life is no life for a single man. (Sam Goldwyn)
A bachelor lives like a king and dies like a beggar.
A bachelor never made the same mistake once!
A bachelor never quite gets over the idea that he is a thing of beauty and a boy for ever. -- Helen Rowland
A bachelor says he dislikes young married couples, because they are apt to give themselves heirs
A bachelor's fridge:  Home of the Chia-Meatloaf.
A bachelor's life is no life for a single man. - Samuel Goldwyn
A backscratcher will always find new itches. -- Gomme
A bad Trek episode beats the best Melrose Place anyday!
A bad actor.  He's inflated, he's egotistical.  -- John Huston on Reagan
A bad beginning makes a bad ending.    Euripides (431 BC)
A bad beginning makes for a good ending.
A bad case of cranial intrusion into the rectal cavity.
A bad cause requires many words. -German Proverb
A bad computer blames its operator
A bad conscience has a very good memory.
A bad conscience is merely the result of liberalism.
A bad day BBSing is better than a good day at school!
A bad day BBSing is better that a good day at work
A bad day Modeming is better than any good day working.
A bad day at home is better than a good day at work
A bad day fishing is better than a good day at the ball game.
A bad day hunting is better than a good day at work!
A bad day is when you have to kill dragons before breakfast - Darkwood
A bad day modeming beats a good day at school
A bad day modeming beats a good day at work.
A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work
A bad day on Star Trek: The engine's stall on "Engage."
A bad day on the bike always beats a good day in the office!
A bad day on the modem beats a good day on the job.
A bad day sailing is better than a good day at the office.
A bad day with Reagan is better than any day with Clinton
A bad day:  "Transfer completed (5720468 bytes, 1 CPS)"
A bad day: "Transfer completed (5720468 bytes, 56651 errors, 1 CPS)"
A bad episode of B5 is better than ANY TNG/DSN episode!
A bad excuse is better than no excuse.
A bad girl is nothing but a good girl who's been found out.
A bad golfer needs to shout "Fore!" when he putts
A bad habit never disappears miracously; it's a undo-it-yourself project.  - Abigail Van Buren
A bad habit which I never bothered to break.  <fond smile> - Anna S
A bad idea can only survive if it need not stand the test of reality.
A bad joke is a parody error.
A bad marriage is like a horse with a broken leg, you can shoot the horse, but it don't fix the leg
A bad one will kick you in the head
A bad peace is even worse than a war.
A bad plan is better than no plan at all.
A bad random number generator:  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4.33e+67, 1, 1, 1
A bad redhead? That's even better'n a Good redhead (but will I survive?)
A bad sales move - mention Windows
A bad sector wiped out your Windows?  Again?
A bad situation is, One who ejects from a helicopter
A bad spot on the disk.
A bad workman always blames his fools.
A bad workman always blames his fools. - The Doctor
A bad workman always blames his fools...
A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
A balanced diet is a bag of M&M's in each hand
A balanced diet is a burger in each hand.
A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.
A bald dog has no mass
A bald man was kind to me once. --Guinan
A baldheaded man is one who came out on top and still lost.
A ball you can see in the rough 50 yards away is not yours. ÄH. Beard
A banana, some chocolate syrup, and thou
A bandaid!?  Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a - oh, never mind
A bank is a place with a simple philosophy:  no deposit, no return
A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain
A banker will lend you money only if you can prove you don't need it.
A barbecue often cooks steaks rare and fingers well-done.
A barber might drive a Seville.
A bard with a 10 charisma.  Not good.
A bargain is a bargain unless bought from a Ferengi
A bargain is something you cannot use at a price you cannot resist.
A bargaining chip must always remain in play.  Megatron, Beast Wars
A barking dog never bites - while he's barking
A bartender is just a chemist with a limited inventory
A baseball player can't do it if somebody else catches it
A bassoon looks like nothing I have ever heard.
A bathing beauty points out the figures, but slacks reveal the facts
A bathing beauty these days wears nothing to speak of, yet has a lot to talk about
A bathroom with a phone?  That's great!
A bathroom with a phone?  That's great! -- Mike Nelson
A bathtub full of otters is damned fine entertainment for the price.
A battery of L.A. Police Officers.
A battle avoided cannot be lost. - Caine quoting Sun Tzu
A battle cannot be fought without sacrifices.  -Moltke
A battle front is only as good as its supply line.
A battle front is only as good as its supply line.  -- Long Haul
A battle of wits W/ you would be dualing W/ unarmed man!
A battle of wits? inquired the dragon. To whose death, Sir knight?
A battle of wits?!?  To the DEATH?!?
A battle of wits?!?  To the DEATH?!?  Hope your will's updated
A battle plan is only as good as its programmer.
A battle plan is only as good as its programmer. - Chromedome
A bbs needs Qwk like a fish needs a bicycle.
A bean supper will be held in the church basement.  Music will follow.
A bear in his natural habitat...a Studabaker
A bear robbed of cubs is safer than the folly of fools.
A beard signifies lice not brains.
A beast I am, lest a beast I become
A beautiful and ineffectual angel [Shelley]. * Arnold
A beautiful heart seems to transform the homeliest face
A beautiful man is paradise for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the purse
A beautiful story.  It gets you right here, doesn't it? Q
A beautiful theory, killed by a nasty, ugly, little fact.
A beautiful woman is a blessing from Heaven, but a good cigar is a smoke. -- Kipling
A beautiful woman is a picture which drives all beholders nobly mad. - Emerson
A beautiful woman moved in next door. So I went over and returned a cup of sugar. "You didn't borrow this." "I will."
A beautiful woman should break her mirror early. (GRACIAN)
A beaver without a cause! -- Tom Servo
A bed is a SAC resource, don't waste it.
A bee is not a busier animal than a blockhead. (Alexander Pope)
A beer NEVER leaves the toilet seat up.
A beer a day keeps lager louts at bay.
A beer always lets you read the Sunday comics first
A beer can enjoy an evening of watching "Johnny-the-Wadd-Holmes' Greatest Hits" as much as you do
A beer can't interrupt.
A beer can't talk about the women who had it before you
A beer delayed is a beer denied.
A beer does as many chores as a man, with a LOT less complaining
A beer doesn't buy everything labelled "turbo"
A beer doesn't care if you go shopping.
A beer doesn't care that you can't find your car's carbueretor
A beer doesn't care that you don't balance your checkbook
A beer doesn't care when you come home.
A beer doesn't complain when you come home late.
A beer doesn't get jealous when you grab another beer.
A beer doesn't give a [expletive deleted] if you keep a bunch of other beers on the side
A beer doesn't hang up pantyhose to dry in the bathroom.
A beer doesn't have friends who will drink all your beer
A beer doesn't have to sleep with the windows open.
A beer doesn't mind having pantyhose dry in the bathroom.
A beer doesn't mind when your mother visits.
A beer doesn't snore.
A beer doesn't sulk.
A beer doesn't think DOS is pronounced "dose"
A beer doesn't think baseball is stupid simply because the guys spit
A beer doesn't think black leather bikinis are neat.
A beer doesn't think poetry is queer
A beer doesn't think that a "three-hundred-fifty cubic-inch V8" is an enormous can of vegetable juice
A beer doesn't want to go out alone with the other beers.
A beer doesn't want to watch pro wrestling
A beer doesn't want you to raise its children
A beer doesn't wouldn't trade you in on a sports car
A beer doesn't yell at you if you have another beer.
A beer helps with the housework
A beer in need is a beer indeed.
A beer in the stomach is one step closer to a hangover
A beer is always ready to leave on time
A beer is always wet.
A beer is more likely to know how to spell "carburetor" than a woman
A beer is not kinky unless you want it to be kinky
A beer lasts longer than seven seconds.
A beer means never having to say, "I'm thirsty"
A beer never costs you more than five dollars and never leaves you thirsty
A beer never fishes for compliments
A beer never has a headache.
A beer never leaves the toilet seat up.
A beer never needs a shave.
A beer never shaves its legs with YOUR razor.
A beer tastes good.
A beer understands why The Three Stooges are funny
A beer will *never* make you go to a Swedish movie
A beer will *never* make you turn off "Fists of Fury Theater" on channel 5 on Saturday afternoons
A beer will never buy a car with automatic transmission
A beer will never call you "Babe".  Or "Sugar-hips"
A beer will never fumble with your bra
A beer will never invite friends home for dinner without calling
A beer will never leave dirty socks on the floor
A beer will never take the newspaper apart before you've read it
A beer will not call you a sexist pig if you say "doberman" instead of "doberperson"
A beer will only come when you want it to.
A beer won't accuse you of lying when you say you read Playboy "just for the articles"
A beer won't ask you to pick up some tampons when you go to the store
A beer won't even act amazed if you can
A beer won't expect you to cook dinner when you're not hungry
A beer won't fill up your 'Vette with 85-octane gas because it's twenty cents less expensive
A beer won't get upset if you come home and have beer on your breath.
A beer won't leave you for a younger man either
A beer won't leave you for a younger woman
A beer won't make you eat experimental vegetarian meals that taste like grass
A beer won't make you go to church
A beer won't make you pick up some tampons when you go to the grocery store
A beer won't mind at all if you're not in the mood for beer
A beer won't raise a fuss about a little thing like leaving the toilet seat up
A beer won't smoke in your car
A beer won't steal all the covers
A beer won't switch the TV channel.
A beer won't talk about the women who had it before you
A beer won't tease you because you once liked Barry Manilow
A beer won't think less of you if you can't name the Steelers' quarterback
A beer won't whine that seatbelts hurt
A beer would never make fun of your new outfit.
A beer would never own a car with an automatic transmission
A beer wouldn't mind if you wanted it to wear a condom
A beer wouldn't waste its money on Playbeer magazine.
A beer wouldn't yell if you dented the car
A beer's life does not revolve around football
A beer's life does not revolve around the world series
A beggar asked me for 50 cents for a sandwich. I said, First let me see the sandwich
A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that balances are
A belief is not true because it is useful.
A belief is not true because it is useful.  -  H. F. Amiel
A bell without a clapper has no dong
A belly button is for ketchup when you eat french fries in bed!
A belly button is for parking your gum on the way down.
A belly button is for salt when you drink Tequila in bed
A belly button is for salt when you eat celery in bed. 
A belly button is for sugar when you eat strawberries in bed.
A belly button is for the champagne when you take a lover to bed.
A belly button is for the mustard when eating spring rolls in bed
A belly button is for the seeds when you eat watermellon
A belly button is just there
A belly button keeps you butt from falling off.
A belly button's for salt when ya eat french fries in bed
A bellybutton is for parking your gum on the way down.
A bend in the road is not the end of the road . . . unless you fail to make the turn
A beneficial law affords a remedy in a similar case
A best seller is the gilded tomb of a mediocre talent L
A better never did itself sustain, Upon a soldier's thigh.
A better way to DoubleSpace your disk:  DEL C:\WINDOWS\*.*
A better way to find a better place
A bevy of quail, a pride of lions, a coven of lawyers
A bevy of quail, a pride of lions, a coven of lawyers
A bevy of quail, a pride of lions, a flock of geese, a coven of lawyers
A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired.
A bientot. N'oublie pas d'ecrire :)
A big R for wrong on that one
A big enough firearm will discourage any law-breaker
A big enough gun will adjust any attitude.
A big enough hammer can usually fix (almost) anything
A big enough hammer can usually fix anything.
A big enough hammer fixes anything
A big enough hammer will generally take care of the problem!
A big hello to all intelligent life forms everywhere.
A big hug from Tagline Boy ain't exactly fun.--Marc Lavallee
A big lie is often more plausible than the truth.
A big mistake!  It's flat.  I'm doing in shamelessly
A big mouth travels far and fast.
A big shot! A big ole big shot! Hey! - Tom sings
A big time is shooting rats at the City dump
A big, hairy gorilla guards this tagline. I *DARE* you
A bigamist is a man who loves not wisely, but two well.
A bigamist is nothing more than a large fog over Italy!
A bigmouth? Me?!  I'm just mute-challenged!
A bigot by any other name, still smells the same.
A bigot delights in public ridicule for he thinks he's a martyr.
A bigot is anyone who disagrees with a liberal
A bigot will not reason, a fool cannot, a slave dare not.
A billion dollars isn't what it used to be
A billion dollars isn't what it used to be - N.B. Hunt
A billion dollars isn't what it used to be.
A billion dollars isn't what it used to be. - Nelson Bunker Hunt
A billion here, a billion there -- pretty soon it adds up to real money. -- Sen. Everett Dirksen, on the U.S. defense budget
A billion here, a billion there, it's not _real_ money
A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon it's real money.
A billion here, a billion there; soon you"re talking real money. -- Sen. Dirksen
A billion here, a couple of billion there -- first thing you know it adds up to be real money. -- Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen
A billion years ago, Earth was ruled by fuzzy puppets.
A bimbo in the Japanese idiom is a poor man!
A bird can fly, but a fly can't bird - Tao of Pooh
A bird does not sing because it has an answer - it sings because it
A bird in a bush is better than one above your head!
A bird in hand can be an awful mess.
A bird in hand is better than one overhead
A bird in hand is messy.
A bird in hand is not as good as girl in bush.
A bird in hand is safer than one overhead.
A bird in hand is worthless when you want to blow your nose.
A bird in hand makes hard to blow nose
A bird in hand makes it hard to blow your nose!
A bird in hand...can be a lot of trouble, especially if it's a ostrich
A bird in the Earth to use Plan Nine
A bird in the bush can't make a mess in your hand.
A bird in the bush is better than 2 in the hand.
A bird in the bush is better than a bird on your shoulder. Especially big ones, don't want your clothes soaked with poop
A bird in the bush is better than one just overhead.
A bird in the bush is worth handing it to!
A bird in the bush usually has a friend in there with him.
A bird in the bush....HURTS!
A bird in the hand can be awfully messy!
A bird in the hand can be messy.
A bird in the hand can get pretty messy
A bird in the hand can make your hand dirty.
A bird in the hand craps on your wrist
A bird in the hand doesn't count in poker.
A bird in the hand doesn't scare people like a hockey stick does.
A bird in the hand is a big mistake.
A bird in the hand is better than a bird overhead
A bird in the hand is better than one overhead!
A bird in the hand is better than two on the phone. (Madonna)
A bird in the hand is better then one overhead
A bird in the hand is dead.
A bird in the hand is messy.
A bird in the hand is much better than one overhead
A bird in the hand is not as good as girl in the bush.
A bird in the hand is probably dead
A bird in the hand is safer than one flying overhead.
A bird in the hand is the best way to eat chicken.
A bird in the hand is worth a bar of soap.
A bird in the hand is worth about three Kleenex.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. -- Cervantes
A bird in the hand is worth what it will bring
A bird in the hand is worth what it will bring -- Ambrose Bierce
A bird in the hand is worth what it will bring.
A bird in the hand leaves one with a dirty hand!
A bird in the hand makes a tasty meal.
A bird in the hand makes blowing one's nose very difficult
A bird in the hand makes blowing the nose difficult
A bird in the hand makes brilliant cat-food.
A bird in the hand makes it awfully hard to blow your Nose
A bird in the hand makes it difficult to blow your nose
A bird in the hand makes it difficult to tie your shoelaces
A bird in the hand makes it hard to blow you nose!
A bird in the hand may bite without warning!
A bird in the hand means broiled goose for dinner
A bird in the hand means you better have lots of soap.
A bird in the hand waits for no man.
A bird in the hand will, ooops!
A bird in the hand's better than one overhead.
A bird in the hand, gets highly agitated
A bird in the hand...   ...is illegal in Georgia
A bird in the hand......will poop on you!
A bird in the hand...is better than guano in your hair
A bird in the hand...tickles.
A bird in the hand; often requires a washcloth!
A bird is a bird, a dog is a dog, but a cat is a PURRson
A bird of prey might drive a Talon.
A bird with one wing flies ever in circles, or not at all
A bird.......... a plane......... no it's FLYMO
A birthday cake is fine as long as there's a girl in it!
A bisexual @N@ likes sheep and cattle
A bisexual scot likes sheep and cattle.
A bit crooked, Bruce. Where's Bruce?
A bit far fetched
A bit hard to trust a man who wants to borrow a picklock, Sir.
A bit is a byte of course of course inless it is a bit named ED.
A bit is the increment by which programmers slowly go mad.
A bit of tolerance is worth a megabyte of flaming. (Henry Spencer)
A bit off your normal prowl patterns, isn't it? - Aahz
A bit pretentious don't you think?
A bit visits the CPU and says "hi".
A bite?  Where would you like a bite?
A black Einstein would have postulated thusly: E=MC Hammer
A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere. -- Groucho Marx
A black hole is God dividing by zero
A black hole is when the gods divide by zero
A black hole is where God divided by zero
A black magic marker on the screen?
A black man taught Elvis how to sing, and then he was crowned king.
A black-and-white mind working on a color-coded problem.
A blackbird's wing. A stone from a river. - Chakotay
A blackhead as big as an anjou pear - Joel on giant
A bland and deadly courtesy is infinitely more devastating.
A blank stare is as worthless as a faxed cheque.
A blate cat maks a prood moose. --Old Scot Sayin
A bleeding heart can be hell on the carpeting.
A blessing to die for a cause, because you can easily die for nothing.
A blimp with an airbag is redundant
A blind gynecologist can read lips.
A blind man cannot walk among Shadows.
A blind man could see it with a cane. - McCoy
A blind man is no judge of colors
A blind man teaching a robot to paint? - Riker
A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass.
A blindfold can be very useful if you're telepathic.
A blindfolded dolphin can find a nickel at the bottom of its tank.
A blinding bolt of crimson careens across the sky! It's #TO@!
A blinding bolt of crimson careens across the sky! It's Orville Bullitt!
A bloated, blue-faced man on the floor? Musta died having sex!
A block away he wondered if he'd left behind a clue
A blond a day will wear you out!
A blond asks them to list all 54 flavors, then orders vanilla
A blond can be poor at history, and great on dates
A blond counts to two by taking off her shirt
A blond death trap - mirror on the bottom of the pool
A blond favorite university?  Auburn!
A blond saw a sign that said WET CEMENT - So she did
A blond traded her menstrual cycle in for a Honda
A blond using your word processor leaves liquid paper on the screen
A blond who dies her hair brunette: Artificial Intelligence!
A blond with a 48-F bust for President-Confuse Iraq!
A blond's idea of safe sex is padded headboards
A blond's mating call is....what redkeads?
A blond's nursery rhyme.  Humpme Dumpme
A blond's speed limit is 68, at 69 she blows a rod!
A blond:  Antidote for a boring life
A blonde VS. a phone booth? Only one person can use the phone at once
A blonde and a beer bottle? They're both empty from the neck up
A blonde bird in any hands, turns to silly putty
A blonde can be poor at history, and great on dates
A blonde counts to two by taking her shirt off
A blonde goes fishing with 3 guys returns with a Red Snapper and Crabs
A blonde is a good cook if she gets the pop tarts out in one piece!
A blonde saw a sign that said "Wet Cement," so she did.
A blonde sent a post card:  "Having a wonderful time... Where am I?"
A blonde using your word processor leaves liquid paper on the screen
A blonde was driving down the highway to Disneyland when she saw a sign that said "DISNEYLAND LEFT". So she turned around an drove home
A blonde with PMS and a yeast infection? A whine and cheese party!
A blonde with half a brain is Gifted!
A blonde's been using the computer? There's white-out on the screen!
A blonde:  Antidote for a boring life
A blonded mistress in leather... be afraid, be very afraid!
A blood alcohol level of < .26 confers temporary immortality.
A blood alcohol level of greater than .26 confers temporary immortality
A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword. - Burton, Robert
A blowhard Air Force major was promoted to colonel and was
A blunt person is one who says what (s)he thinks without thinking
A blush on the face is better than a blot on the heart
A boaster and a liar are cousins.
A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.
A bolt of crimson -It's STUPENDOUS MAN.
A bomb! - Lister
A bonded penguin is a happy penguin.
A book (returned) in time saves time.
A book a day keeps the doldrums at bay.
A book a day keeps your Boss away!! 
A book about the English language, sir.""And the hero's name is what?"
A book and its readers go together
A book can kill time for those who liked it better dead
A book holds a house of gold. - Chinese Proverb
A book in the hand is worth two on the shelf! 
A book is a garden you carry in your pocket
A book is a present you can open again and again!
A book is never finished; it's abandoned. --Gene Fowler
A book is the only immortality.
A book is the ultimate random access device.
A book misplaced is a book lost
A book must be an ice ax to break the frozen sea within us. - KAFKA
A book worth banning is a book worth reading.
A book, a duck, a song, some wine....perfection!
A book, a friend, a song, a glass
A book, a friend, a song, a glass, a chaste loving lass.
A book, a friend, a song, a glass...
A book, a song, a glass, a chaste loving lass.
A booming voice says, "Wrong, cretin!", and you notice that you have turned into a pile of dust
A bore is a man who deprives you of solitude
A bore is a man who talks so much about himself that you can't talk about yourself
A bore is a man who, when asked how he is, tells you.
A bore is a man who, when you ask him how he is he tells you.
A bore is a man who, when you ask him how he is, will tell you.  - Bert Taylor
A bore is a person who, when asked how he is, tells you
A bore is someone who persists in holding his own views after we have enlightened him with ours
A bore: deprives you of solitude w/o providing company
A boring marriage: Rip Van Winkle and Sleeping Beauty!
A born-again turkey is still a falcon on a cloudy day
A boss with no humor is like a job that"s no fun
A bottle in front of me beats a frontal lobotomy.
A bottle in front of me rather than a frontal lobotomy!
A bottle of wine, a can of whipped cream & thou
A bottle of wine, a loaf of bread... and BUTTER! lots of it!
A bottle of wine, boudin rouge, and @TOFIRST@
A bottle of wine, boudin rouge, and her!
A bottom-feed printer? Sounds fishy to me!
A bowl of oatmeal tried to stare me down -- And won - John Prine
A box of biscuits, a box of mixed biscuits, and a biscuit mixer.
A box of gametes with assembly instructions.
A box of rain will ease the pain and love will see
A box of smurfs and a weedeater:  What a visual!
A box without hinges, key, or lid, Yet golden treasure inside is hid. -- J.R.R. Tolkien
A boxful of kittens will make anyone smile
A boy and his bird.  How touching. - Top Dollar
A boy and his magic golden flute heard a boat from off the bay
A boy becomes a man when he walks around a puddle instead
A boy becomes a man when he walks around a puddle instead of through it.
A boy can learn a lot from a dog: obedience, loyalty, and the importance of turning around three times before lying down. --Robert Benchley
A boy gets to be a man when a man is needed. -- John Steinbeck
A boy gets to be a man when a man is needed. -- John Steinbeck
A boy has to peddle his book. - Truman Capote
A boy lies in the grass unmoving staring at the sky
A boy without mischief is like a bowling ball without a liquid center
A boy's best friend is his mother - Dr. Forrester
A boy's best friend is his mother.   -Anthony Perkins
A boyfriend a day gets me $100,000 in alimony.
A boyfriend a day soon gets me $1,000 a month alimony.
A boyfriend may be a free trial, but you get a life sentence.
A boyhood dream come true.  I'm in tears. - Ivanova (sarcastically)
A bra is a form of soft-wear support
A brain destroyed by religion is no match for reasoning humans.
A brain is worth little without a tongue.
A brain like a BB in a boxcar.
A brain that can be understood by itself is too simple to understand itself
A brain. I need a brain for my Spock. - Dr. Kirkenstein
A brain. I need a brain!
A brainless beauty is a toy forever
A brash young man, fresh out of the Academy. - Q
A brassiere is a device to bring out a girl’s best points.
A brave Ferengi!  Who would have thought!
A brave Ferengi. Who would have thought? --Gowron
A brave ant is gallANT.
A brave man is sometimes a desperado; a bully is always a coward
A brave person is a stupid person who got lucky
A brave person is a thing to waste
A bread that doubled as a hood ornament - Tom
A bridge over turgid waters.
A bridge was burned and a lesson learned I never will forget.
A brief minute away from my porno mags is hell - Mike
A brief visit will be tolerated. * Beatta
A briefcase full of blues
A bright eye indicates curiosity/a black eye, too much
A brilliant smile will get you fan mail from lighthouses.
A bristlecone pine is a fire's way of making another fire
A broken Window gets you 7 meg. of bad luck
A broken clock keeps better time than you!
A broken down car on a dirt road
A brood of pessimists.
A brother is born for adversity. - Proverbs 17:17
A brunette between two blondes:  an interpreter.
A brute kills for pleasure - a fool kills from hate
A brute kills for pleasure.  A fool kills from hate. - Lazarus Long
A brute kills for pleasure.  A fool kills from hate. -- Heinlein
A brute kills from pleasure.  A fool kills from hate
A buck to a doe: “Let's have a little faun.”
A bucket for messeur.  And, a hose.
A budget helps you pay as you go if you don't go anywhere
A budget is a way of reminding yourself that you can't afford the kind of living you've become used to
A budget is an aim that rarely shows good marksmanship.
A budget is just a method of worrying before you spend money
A buffalo chip igloo! - Stimpy
A bug I ate! With little wings! - Jerry Lewis (Animaniacs)
A bug in the code is worth two in the documentation.
A bug in the hand is better than one as yet undetected.
A bug in the right place is a feature
A bug is a feature that didn't make it into the manual.
A bug is a feature with seniority
A bug is a son of a glitch
A bug is always wrong ... when arguing with a chicken.
A bug is always wrong when arguing with a programmer
A built-in, all purpose, thiingamabob.
A bulldozer is a sergeant's chin with a motor in it
A bullet proof vest won't help you if you shoot yourself in the foot
A bun is the lowest form of wheat.
A bun short of a dozen
A bunch of bunnies hopping backwards:  a receding hare line.
A bungee jump without the bungee! - Tom as guy falls
A bungee jump without the bungee! -- Tom Servo
A bunny, a beer, and the SF Echo.
A bureaucracy can outwait anything.
A bureaucracy can outwait anything. ŽEdsil Murphy
A bureaucrat is a Democrat who has a job a Republican wants
A bureaucrat's idea of cleaning up his files is to make a copy of everything before he destroys it
A burger shy of a Happy Meal.
A burglar who respects his art always takes his time before taking anything else. - O. Henry
A burning bridge gathers no moss
A burp is not an answer
A burp is not an answer - Bart Simpson's lines
A burp is not an answer -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F07
A burp is not an answer Ä Bart Simpson on the blackboard
A burp is not an answer.
A burp is not an answer. - Bart's Board
A burp is not an answer. -- Bart Simpson
A burp is not an answer. -- Bart's Blackboard
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On
A bus station is where the bus stops...A train station is where the train stops...My desk is a workstation
A bush in the face is better than bird shit in the hand.
A bush in the hand is... well, you get the picture
A bush on the face is better than a bird in the hand!
A bushel is a unit of weight equal to four pecks - Calvin
A business is too big when it takes a week for gossip to go from one end of
A business is too big when it takes a week for gossip to go from one end of the office to the other
A businessman is a hybrid of a dancer and a calculator.    -- Paul Valery
A businessman is judged by the company he keeps solvent
A butterfly is a self-propelled flower.
A butthead?  I just thought you had bad breath
A buy-sexual. Kennedy Family favorite sexual position: Defendant. Kennedy
A byte for your thoughts

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