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A dagger in the back will cramp any wizard's style!
A daily dose of FL SINGLES is better'n 40Kv of electroshock therapy!
A daily dose of FL SINGLES keeps the Lobotomy Doctor away
A daisy by any other name still attracts aphids
A damned confusing kingdom here - Tom
A dandelion for your thoughts *--
A daquiri swilling tractor manufacturer
A daquiri swilling tractor manufacturer-- Mike Nelson
A daquiry swilling tractor manufacturer - Mike
A dark and narrow chimney leads up from a fireplace
A darkroom is not the best place to develop a reputation.
A darn sight better'n that twiggy little stick woman -Tom
A daughter is an embarrassing and ticklish possession.--Menander
A day for firm decisions!!! Or is it??
A day hemmed with prayer is much less likely to unravel
A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm.<Apone>
A day in the life of a bar code scanner: ||X||||X||X||X|| "BEEP"
A day in the life of a message traffic cop
A day is wasted if there are no new taglines in it
A day job ...in an office?!  My worst nightmare! - Ticknophobia
A day job... in an office?! My worst nightmare! - The Tick
A day job?  In an office?  MY WORST NIGHTMARE!!  NOOOOOOOO!
A day late and a dollar short.
A day not wasted is a day wasted!
A day off is always more welcome when it's unexpected. --George Carlin
A day spent with your lover beats the one spent in the office.
A day that will always live in infamy.... April 15th
A day uncertain is held as a condition
A day without BBS mail is a day with much more free time.
A day without C++ is like a day without stinking
A day without Genealogy is like a day without coffee.
A day without Mail is like a day without Sunshine!
A day without Nixon is like a day without syphilis
A day without Pizza just doesn't slice it
A day without SEX is wasted!
A day without Sonshine is like night.
A day without a buzz is a day that never was. Jason Blan
A day without a cat is a day without warmth
A day without a cat is like a day without sunshine.
A day without a cat to love, isn't worth living.
A day without a redhead is a day without *welts*
A day without a redhead is like a day without *air*
A day without a redhead is like a day without a stick poked in your eye
A day without a smile is a lost day
A day without baseball is like... er, well, not all that different.
A day without baseball is like...well, it's not really that different
A day without chocolate is a day without sunshine!
A day without dogma is like a pizza without vinegar.
A day without dragons is   MUCH SAFER!!!
A day without dragons is   much safer.
A day without e-mail is a day with much more free time
A day without fusion is a day without sunshine
A day without laughter, is a day wasted. - C. Chaplin
A day without my AMIGA is unbearable.
A day without new taglines is like a mouse without a television.
A day without okra is like a day without sunshine.
A day without orange juice is like a day with straight vodka
A day without orange juice is like a day without orange juice.
A day without orange juice is like a day without vodka.
A day without potatoes is like, well, any other day
A day without puns is like a day without sunshine
A day without radiation is a day without sunshine.
A day without sunshine is just like nighttime.
A day without sunshine is like ... dark.
A day without sunshine is like ... night!
A day without sunshine is like a darkroom
A day without sunshine is like a day in Seattle
A day without sunshine is like a day without Anita Bryant
A day without sunshine is like a day without orange juice
A day without sunshine is like a night.
A day without sunshine is like night.  Steve Martin
A day without sunshine is like, you know, night
A day without sunshine is like... well, Cleveland
A day without sunshine is like...night.
A day without sunshine is.... night! Yeh, I knew that!
A day without tofu is like a day without a tasteless meat substitute
A day you learn something new is a day not wasted!
A dead comic is at his wit's end
A dead man cannot bite.    -- Gnaeus Pompeius (Pompey)
A dead parrot - Polygon!
A dead pitbull is a good pitbull.
A dead skeptic talking to GOD: "Who are you!" ZZZAP! "Arrhhhh"
A dead woman bites not. -- Gray
A deadbolt with a broken cylinder.
A deadline has a marvelous ability to concentrate the mind+
A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it's better than no inspiration at all. - Rita Mae Brown
A deaf fisherman is hard of herring.
A deal is a deal
A deal is a deal -- ROA #16
A deal is a deal. - 16th Rule
A deal is a deal. - Melora
A deal is a deal...until a better one comes along. - FRA #16
A dean is to a faculty as a hydrant is to a dog. -- Alfred Kahn
A death mark is not an easy thing to live with.
A death mark's not an easy thing to live with. - Rieekan
A death threat is the sincerest form of compliment
A debt to Virgil is a debt to Nature. -- Chesterson
A debtor is not presumed to make a gift
A debugged program is one for which you have not yet found the conditions that make it fail. -- Jerry Ogdin
A debugger doesn't remove bugs. It only runs them in slow motion
A deceiver deals in generals
A decimal will always be misplaced
A decision had to be made
A decision had to be made.  -- Riff Raff
A deed or bond found with the debtor is presumed to be paid
A definate progression. From planet. To planet. - Kirk
A definition of teaching: casting fake pearls before real swine. -- Bill Cain, "Stand Up Tragedy"
A delegate or deputy cannot appoint another
A delegated authority cannot be again delegated
A delicious Nestle Quick and Sea Monkey shake!!
A delivery came for you! It's the Rockefeller baby! - Pinky
A deluge of words and drop of sense.
A deluge of words and not a drop of sense?
A democracy in which votes are not secured by arms is a farce. H. B.
A democrat's charity is limited only by your income
A demon has infested him.  The name of the demon is HEROIN. - Oracle
A denebian slime devil is a tribble built to Klingon specs.
A dense SMUG is rolling in - Mike on guy's expression
A dense smug is rolling in
A dense smug is rolling in-- Mike Nelson
A dentist and a manicurist got into a fight. They went at it tooth and nail
A dentist does it in your mouth, then tells you to spit
A dentist married a manicurist.  They keep fighting tooth and nail!
A dependable ant is reliANT.
A deputy cannot appoint a deputy
A desert chieftain would drive a Mirage.
A desk hologram was just seen and looked like @F @L!
A desk hologram was just seen and looked like Orville!
A desk is a dangerous place from which to view the world. <le Carre>
A desk is a dangerous place to view the world
A desk is a terrible spot to view the world from
A desk is a wastebasket with drawers
A desktop Cray for $10?  Is it PC compatible?
A detestable smell like a poison well. No heaven. - bad brains
A devil in a black dress wanders by
A devil is supposed to have an evil grin; this one looked too morose.
A devithe for catching the Ether Bunny.
A diagnostic is someone who doesn't know if there are two Gods.
A diagnostic is someone who doesn't know whether two gods exist
A diamond is a chunk of coal that made good under pressure.
A diamond is forever, but real estate appreciates faster
A diamond is just a lump of coal that made good under pre
A diamond is only a lump of coal that did well under pressure
A diamond was a piece of coal that kept trying.
A diamond's a lump of coal that made good under pressure.
A diaphragm is a drawing in geometry
A diaphragm is a drawing in pencil
A diaphragm is a manhole cover
A diaphram is a drawing in pencil
A dictionary - Book with words for those who can't read
A dictionary is a most useful tool.
A die for a die. - Catwoman (Batman Returns)
A die-hard Kingston Trio fan
A diet is a short period of starvation preceding a gain of five pounds
A diet is a weigh of life.
A diet is when you have to go to some length to change your width.
A difference of taste of jokes is a great strain on the affections. - George Eliot
A difference that makes no difference is no difference. - Spock
A different language is a different vision of life. -Federico Fellini, film director and writer (1920-1993)
A difficult weapon to confiscate. -- Yar
A difficult weapon to confiscate. -- Yar
A dildo is a variety of sweet pickle.
A dim bulb in the marquee of life
A dime is a coin once used for money.
A dime is a dollar with all the taxes taken out.
A dime saved is a dollar earned.  The rest is Uncle Sam's.
A dinner lubricates business
A dinosaur in Jurassic Park ate a lawyer....tasted like chop suey.
A dip switch is only as good as the dip using it.
A diploma only means you know which book to look in.
A diploma proves only that you know how to find an answer.
A diplomat can convince his wife she'd look stout in a fur coat.
A diplomat is a man who thinks twice before he says nothing
A diplomat is man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never her age. -- Robert Frost
A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell and make you feel happy to be on your way
A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip
A diplomat never insults anyone...accidently.
A diplomat these days is nothing but a head waiter who's allowed to sit down occasionally. - Sir Peter Ustinov
A diplomat thinks twice before saying nothing.
A diplomat's life consists of three things: protocol, Geritol, and alcohol. -- Adlai Stevenson
A diplomatic husband said to his wife, "How do you expect me to remember your birthday when you never look any older?"
A diplomatic insult to the Cardassian people would be a problem
A direct hit to the old "dilithium crystals"! - Duckman
A direct hit with a 500 pounder will make a cat go Quack!
A direct hit with napalm will make a cat go WwooooofF!
A directed energy discharge?  From a Phaser!? - O'Brien
A dirty book is rarely dusty.
A dirty book is seldom dusty.
A dirty joke is a sort of mental revolution. - Orwell
A dirty magazine is rarely dusty
A dirty mind is a dog that has no fleas
A dirty mind is a joy forever!
A dirty mind is a joy forever.  - Oscar Wilde
A dirty mind is a pain
A dirty mind is a terrible thing to wash
A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste - Darkwood
A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste..
A dirty mind is a vampire with a president, but great
A dirty mind is a wonderfully fun thing!
A dirty mind is, ...well... , a wonderful thing.
A dirty mind is, well, a dirty mind!
A dirty mind is, well, a wonderful thing.
A dirty novel I can't shut / If it's uncut / And unsubt- / le
A disagreement may be the shortest cut between two minds.  - K. Gibran
A disarmed populace is an enslaved populace.
A disc jockey is someone who works for the love of mike.
A disease which tells you that you haven't got it.
A dishonest man and a harp struck by lighting are both a blasted lyre.
A dislexic, agnostic, insomniac sits up wondering if there is a doG.
A dispensation is a wound which wounds a common right
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon
A diva who specializes in risqu'e arias is an off-coloratura soprano
A diva who specializes in risque' arias is an off-colorat
A diva who specializes in risque` arias is an off-coloratura soprano.
A division of Con-Huge-Co - Crow
A do-nothing lackluster wherever he sat.  -- A. Haig on George Bush
A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his client to plant vines. --Frank Lloyd Wright
A doctor enjoys poor health.
A doctor is a person who enjoys bad health.
A doctor of death with a PHD, a specialist in pure misery
A doctor said, "This injection won't hurt a bit."  That's an MD promise.
A dog ! A panic in a pagoda ! - (Palindrom)
A dog -- a panic in a pagoda.
A dog barks at a shadow... the rest bark at the sound.
A dog exploded on a busy street today
A dog has so many friends because he wags his tail instead of tongue.
A dog is God's way of saying you need more love in your life.
A dog is a dog except when he is facing you. Then he is Mr. Dog.
A dog is a dog, a bird is a bird and a cat is a person.
A dog is a dog, a bird is a bird, but a cat is a people
A dog is a dog, but a Cat is a Purrson!
A dog is a dog, but a Cat is a purrrson!.....(sic)
A dog is a dog, but a cat is a purrrrson
A dog is a dog. Unless it's facing you, then it's *Mr.* Dog
A dog is always on the wrong side of the door!
A dog is man's best friend. A man's leg is a dog's best friend
A dog is prose; a cat is a poem.
A dog is the only friend you can buy for money
A dog is the only love that money can buy.
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. - Billings
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love
A dog is wagging his tail and snarling, which do you trust?
A dog leads a SYSOPS life!
A dog may bark, but his legs will never grow longer.
A dog on the run can safely be kicked.
A dog peed on me.  A bad sign.
A dog sees God in his master... while a cat must only gaze in a
A dog sees God in his master; a cat looks in the mirror.
A dog sees God in his masterwhile a cat must only gaze in a mirror.
A dog started crying like a broken hearted man --U2
A dog that weighs less than 10 pounds is NOT a dog.
A dog wags it's tail with it's whole heart!
A dog wags its tail with its heart.
A dog wags its tail with its heart. - Martin Buxbaum
A dog will eat pretty much anything.
A dog with money is addressed as Mr. Dog. Spanish Proverb
A dog with money is referred to as MR. Dog
A dog! A panic in a pagoda.
A dog, a plan, a canal.  Pagoda!  -- palindrome alpha version
A doggone computer is man's best friend
A doggone uppity Lawyer at that..!!!!!!
A dogma is not a mama dog!
A dogs worst enemy is a closed door
A dollar earned is a penny saved - after Clinton.
A dollar is a terible thing not to tax!!!
A dollar saved is a dollar Congress overlooked!
A dollar saved is a dollar my wife has overlooked!
A dollar's a bad boss, and dying's a bad fear
A door is what a cat is perpetually on the wrong side of!!!
A double negative is an affirmative
A double positive is never negative...  Yeah, right!
A double standard's better than no standard at all.
A dozen Stealth Fighters?  Oh yeah... I'll believe that when I see it!
A dozen, a gross, and a score
A draft dodger as commander-in-chief?  Only in America!
A dragon a day keeps EVERYONE away
A dragon a day, keeps the world away.
A dragon form, clashing his scales: at midnight he arose,
A dragon in the hand is worth five charred fingers
A dragon in time saves lighter fluid
A dragon is just a dragon until he faces you.  Then he is Mr. Dragon!
A dragon is just a snake that ate a scroll of fire.
A dragon on the wing is a dream to some folk... A nightmare to others
A dragon with a can-opener.  A paladin's worst knightmare
A dragon, holding a canister of Uranium 238?  You go on ahead, knight.
A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours.
A drama critic is a man who leaves no turn unstoned
A drama critic is a person who surprises a playwright by informing him what he meant. -- Wilson Mizner
A drawing pin is an excited Smartie
A dream grants what one covets when awake.
A dream is a postcard from your subconscious.
A dream is a wish your heart makes.
A dream is worth a little sleep
A dream itself is but a shadow. * LAKOTA v1.2
A dream itself is but a shadow. - Shakespeare
A dream itself is but a tagline. -- Tagspeare
A dream of a galaxy WITHOUT war
A dream of a galaxy WITHOUT war. <Babylon 5<
A dream of a galaxy WITHOUT war. - Babylon 5
A dream to some... A nightmare to others! -- Merlin
A dream unthreatened by the morning light -Pink Floyd
A dream will always triumph over reality, once it is given the chance. -- Stanislaw Lem
A dream worth having is a dream worth fighting for. - Charles Xavier
A dream's a dream whatever it seems.- Deep Purple
A dream-house requires no building permit
A dreamer of pictures, I run in the night
A dress is no good unless it inspires men to remove it.
A dress makes no sense unless it inspires @F to remove it
A dress makes no sense unless it inspires its removal
A dress makes no sense unless it inspires men to remove it.
A dress makes no sense unless it inspires men to take it off.
A dress that makes a girl look slim often makes others look 'round.
A dress that zips up the back will bring a husband and wife together.
A drink a day keeps the shrink away
A drink here, a smoke there. What was dirty is now clean.
A dripping tap causes an uncontrollable bladder urge.
A driver with a truck load of hogs was looking for a porking place.
A drowning cat is an image of perfect beatitude.
A drum, a drum! Macbeth doth come.
A drummer takes any woman he gets, but a guitarist can take his pick
A drunk dragon is a happy dragon!
A drunk with a gun is always allowed to speak his mind.
A drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
A dry sense of humor is better than drooling.
A dry sense of humor is better than slobbering everwhere.
A duck is a bird that walks like it has ridden horseback all day.
A duck is a terrible thing to waste!
A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why
A duck? Now that's senseless!
A duel of wits?  To the DEATH?
A duel of wits?  To the death? - Vinzinni
A duel of wits? With @F? I never attack anyone who us unarmed!
A dule of wits ? To the DEATH ?
A dull pencil is better than a sharp mind. - Ben Franklin
A duping we will go a duping we will go Hi Ho the merrio
A duplicate me! * Rimmer
A dwarf is passing out somewhere in Detroit.
A dyslectic neurotic lies awake wondering if there really is a Dog.
A dyslexic Christian tried to sell his soul to Santa
A dyslexic agnostic doesn't believe in Dog.
A dyslexic agnostic insomniac sits up all night wondering if there is a Dog
A dyslexic agnostic wonders whether there is a dog.
A dyslexic devil worshipper sold his soul to Santa
A dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac sits up wondering if there is a doG.

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