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A E I þ U    (I had a vowel movement)
A European swallow, or an African swallow?
A European swallow, or an African swallow? - Monty Python
A Eurythmics video! - Crow on near-bald alien girl
A FACT is anything you can convince someone else to believe.
A FAIR price? -  Rom
A FAMILY or a MIND is a terrible thing to waste!
A FAT Check A Day Will Keep Norton Disk Doctor Away.
A FISH STORY by Czar Dean.
A Fallopian Tube is a part of a television set. (Y/N) ?
A Familiar Luncheon  - By Sam Witch
A Family Christmas: "Let the bickering begin!"
A Fart Is The Lonely Cry Of An Imprisoned Turd
A Fatal Error has occured:  You're dead!
A Fax/Data modem lets a computer see, hear and talk!
A Female's Guide To Logical Thinking
A Ferengi a monk and a clone decide to go bowling. - Data
A Ferengi is trying to sell us Windows, may I fire?
A Ferengi tagline; Pay 3 slips Gold Pressed Ladinum to read it.
A Ferengi used car salesman. Now there's a scary thought!
A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all
A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all. - FRA #18
A Ferengi without profit is not a Ferengi at all.
A Ferengi, a monk, and a clone decide to go bowling-- Data
A Ferguson Insight: He who smiles in crisis has found someone to blame
A Ferguson Insight: You can observe a lot by just watching
A Fido Dog is just a dog until he faces you, then he is Mr. Dog.
A Fido address is a terrible thing to waste.
A Fish Story - By Czar Dean
A Fistful of Datas:  "The Good, The Bad, & The Klingon"
A Flak Jacket is highly recommended
A Florid Flock of Forty Flatulent Flamingos.
A Florida law makes it illegal to fall asleep under a hair dryer.
A Fool And His Money ... Now That's My Kind Of Friend
A Fool and his Taglines are soon moderators
A Fool and his Taglines are soon moderators. <= Yikes!
A Fool and his money are soon parted - thru divorce!!
A Fool and his words are soon parted
A Foreigner's Guide To Camping In Florida
A Fortran compiler is the hobgoblin of little minis
A Forum for literary vagabonds
A Francis Ford Coppola production - Tom
A Fremen dies when he is too long from the desert; this we call "the water sickness." --Stilgar, the Commentaries
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing and mean your mother.
A Freudian slip may be revealing, but a Jungian slip is just a mythstake
A Friend In Need Always Finds Your New Phone Number.
A Friend in Need is a pain in the .....Loow Back
A Friend in Need is a pain indeed.
A Friend in Need is indeed a pain in the neck.
A Friend is A Person With Whom You Dare to Be Yourself !!
A Frog (Atog)
A G-string is made to be plucked.
A G-string is part of a violin.
A G-string is part of a violin.       TRUE    FALSE
A GIFT OF PROPHECY, Ruth Montgomery, 1965
A GOOD Crime Bill would indict the Clinton's.
A GOOD THING ABOUT A SHORT MEMORY, enjoy the same newspaper for a mont
A GOOD friend KEEPS his surplus zucchini!!
A GOOD salesman can sell Tupperware to Ethiopians!
A GPF is a UAE in drag
A Galliard Fianna talk about a walking redundancy
A Garden Weasel and a Black Mask, what possibilitys
A Gay's First Aid Kit, Vaseline and listerine.
A Get has to have priorities. -- Jurgi Hautala
A Get of the Hand of Tyr is real close to being an executioner
A Girl In Trouble Is A Temporary Thing
A Girlfriend may be a free trial, but you get a life sentence.
A God Who Meddles Reveals His Incompetence
A God who let us prove his existence would be an idol.
A God who let us prove his existence would be an idol. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
A Goethe is a steel beam; a Joyce is a wooden one
A Government that treats people according to race is RACIST.
A Great Dane huh?  I was hoping for a toy poodle (sniff)
A Great Plenty.                    E. Nuff
A Great Plenty: E. Nuff
A Greek, not a Jew! - Crow sings as Anka
A Guardian!  What it sees, Lo Pan knows! - Egg Sheng
A Guide To Arab Democracies
A Guide To Australian Etiquette
A Guide To Snorkeling In Norway
A Gun Ain't Loaded 'Til You Pull the Trigger
A Gun is inanimate, therefore it CAN NOT cause crime.  Only PEOPLE do!
A HARD DRIVE is from Cleveland to Chicago
A HARD DRIVE is from Cleveland to Cleveland
A HOLE-IN-ONE: A gunshot wound through the mouth or rectum
A HUD castle - Mike on ruins
A HUD castle! -- Mike Nelson
A HUMAN!!!!!!!!        A TREEEEE!!!!!!!!!! (thump) - Batty/Chrysta
A Ham operator needs 26 hours in a day, all 8 days of the week
A Hammer can deliver from feather light to MIGHTY BLOWS!
A Happy Heart is like Good Medicine
A Happy Home Life And Marriage, Part II, by Woody Allen
A Happy Home Life And Marriage, by Donald Trump
A Hawaiian Christmas - Poi To The World!
A Hellbore Canon beats four aces.
A Hiker's Guide To The Ho Chi Minh Trail
A Hindu is a terrible thing of caste?
A History Of Aspirin - By Ivan Hedake
A History Of U.S. Presidents That Made Progress
A Holy Grail?  Oh, we allready have one of those
A Holy Nation Under Jesus
A Horse of a Different Color
A Hot Temper is a Terrible Thing to Waste
A Hunka, Hunka, Chocolate Cake
A Hunka, Hunka, Chocolate Cake... Elvis Presley
A Husband Is Someone Who Takes Out The Trash And Gives The Impression He Just Cleaned The Whole House
A Husband is a man who lost his liberty in pursuit of happiness
A Husband is a man who: made a wrong turn in lovers' lane
A Husband who gets breakfast in bed, is in the Hospital.
A Husband, made a wrong turn in lovers' lane

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