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How to write your tagline for orkut and facebook.

The right process is always to keep your main objectives in mind. "It's not to be clever for wit's sake, but to imbed a lasting sales message into your prospect minds." Be clear, not clever. A snappy tagline tied to your firm's Unique Selling Proposition (USP) can answer the prospect's question "Why you, not your competition?" before they even ask it. Slogans like DeBeer's "Diamonds are forever", Quizno's "Mmm, Mmm Good." and Maxwell House's "Good to the last drop" can make it easy-peezy for consumers to justify a decision.
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There are ten easy steps I follow when generating your company or product's tagline:
1. Differentiate between product and corporate taglines:
a. Product and corporate taglines are as different as fire and a fire-cracker. Product taglines encapsulate the USP (unique sales proposition). As a result, they may change as products and/or the USP changes, or even fade into the corporate sunset. Corporate taglines reflect the foundation for long-term customer relationships. The easiest way to write a bad corporate tagline is to confuse it with a product tagline.
2. What about your product or company do you want to communicate with your tagline?
3. What emotion do you want to evoke from your tagline?
4. What differentiates you & your product from your competition?
5. List of the top 25 or 30 things that are important and worth mentioning about your product.
6. Gather taglines from your competition.
7. Refrain from using "we:"
a. According to an ADSlogans Unlimited Database survey, 19.09% of taglines begin with "you" or "your." By contrast, taglines incorporating "we" is in third place, at 6.03% of total taglines surveyed. "We" taglines essentially elevate the firm over the customer, plus contributes to a company-specific narcissism. Proof: "We're Exxon."
8. Test International translations.
a. Some English taglines and slogans have been translated very badly. Look at how "finger licking good" "came out in Chinese: "Eat your fingers off" or the Chevy Nova's alternate meaning of "Don't Go."
9. Check for legality and the available URL
10. Brainstorm top 5-10
a. "Get Real" with the wording
b. Think ahead to the future (don't date yourself)
c. Get your list of words or phrases down to 3 or 4 central elements.

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